How Tuition Exchange Works

The Tuition Exchange Process

The Tuition Exchange Process

The Basics

Tuition Exchange (TE) is a reciprocal scholarship opportunity for eligible faculty and staff dependents at all 700+ individual TE member schools. TE Scholarships are available to eligible employees and qualifying dependents at TE member schools. The employee’s school defines what constitutes an eligible employee and what constitutes an eligible dependent.

Things to Know

  • Each school has a Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer (TELO). TELOs are responsible for reviewing qualified TE applications and helping you throughout the process. You can find the one for your school from our School List.
  • The eligible faculty/staff member’s employer is considered the Export school. This means your student is an Export student, and the TELO at your home school is the Export TELO.
  • The school that offers the TE Scholarship to the student is the Import school. This means the TELO at the school your student is interested in attending, is the Import TELO.
  • Tuition Exchange Scholarships are not guaranteed and selectivity varies by school.
  • The value of the TE scholarship is full tuition or the annual TE set rate. For the 2024-25 academic year, the set rate is $42,000; for 2025-26, the set rate is $43,000. Search on a particular school to find their TE scholarship maximum.  
  • TE Scholarships may include or be offset by any federal grants, state grants, institutional scholarships/grants or outside scholarships the student is awarded.

So...Where do I start?!?

Learn how the application process works and get the timeline, checklist and suggested next steps.